Bill's Blog - Weekly Summary

Hello!  Here's a summary of my posts from the past week.  I'm glad you're with me on the journey.  My goal for this journey through life is to "wake up, remember and come alive," and help others do the same.  So to that end, take what's helpful here and leave the rest! (Looking forward to reading some of your post comments as well.)

Believe It

Believe It. The seeker said to God: “Tell me, tell me something I can treasure and remember.” And God said “I love you. I love you. I love you.” The seeker replied: “Is that all? Tell me something else.” And God said “Believe it!” What would it mean for you if you were convinced that God loves you unconditionally? It's …

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Love Dogs 7

Love Dogs (by Rumi) One night a man was crying, “Allah, Allah!” His lips grew sweet with the praising, until a cynic said, “So! I have heard you calling out, but have you ever gotten any response?” The man had no answer for that. He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep. He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide …

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Simple Sunday Sermons: How God Breaks in to Our Lives? (Luke 2:12.)

Facebook Live Video

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