Bill's Blog - Monthly Summary

Hello!  Here's a summary of my posts from the past month.  I'm glad you're with me on the journey.  My goal for this journey through life is to "wake up, remember and come alive," and help others do the same.  So to that end, take what's helpful here and leave the rest! (Looking forward to reading some of your post comments as well.) 


Here is a link for an ONLINE DO IT YOURSELF Blue Christmas Service that I created.  

The Parable of the Birds

  The Parable of the Birds (Told by Paul Harvey) The man to whom I’m going to introduce you was not a scrooge, he was a kind decent, mostly good man. Generous to his family, upright in his dealings with other men. But he just didn’t believe all that incarnation stuff which the churches proclaim at Christmas Time. It just …

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Blessing for the Longest Night

Blessing for the Longest Night (by Jan Richardson) All throughout these months as the shadows have lengthened, this blessing has been gathering itself, making ready, preparing for this night. It has practiced walking in the dark, traveling with its eyes closed, feeling its way by memory by touch by the pull of the moon even as it wanes. So believe …

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The Prodigal Son in the Key of F

The Prodigal Son in the Key of F Feeling footloose and frisky, a featherbrained fellow forced his father to fork over his farthings. Fast he flew to foreign fields and frittered his family's fortune, feasting fabulously with floozies and faithless friends. Flooded with flattery he financed a full-fledged fling of "funny foam" and fast food. Fleeced by his fellows in …

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Simple Sunday Sermons - A Prodigal Christmas Part 3 - Return to Love (Luke 15:11-32) Facebook Live Video

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Life is a Church

Life is a church. I don't know exactly what it is about this song, but it captures my heart and soul. Give it a listen and let me know if it touches your heart. Maybe it's because I've always loved the church and it has such sweet connotations for me.  Maybe it's that this singer reminds me of one of …

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Feast on your life.

“Feast on your life.”
Derek Walcott

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Love After Love

Love After Love by Derek Wolcott The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to …

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Simple Sunday Sermons - A Prodigal Christmas Part 2 - The "Nice" List??? (Luke 15:11-32) Facebook Live Video

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Just Breathe

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"You find what you look for."
Toni Powell

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Stop and Hear the Music

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Simple Sunday Sermons - A Prodigal Christmas Part 1 - The "Naughty" List??? (Luke 15:11-32) Facebook Live Video

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Grace = Acceptance

These words by the theologian Paul Tillich describe grace so beautifully.  And when I read them I feel joyful, relieved, happy, liberated, connected and loved. Grace strikes us when we are in great pain and restlessness. It strikes us when we walk through the dark valley of a meaningless and empty life. It strikes us when we feel that our separation …

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Bonhoeffer Quote about Religion

"Jesus calls us, not to a new religion, but life."  Dietrich Bonehoeffer

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Welcome Morning by Anne Sexton

Welcome Morning by Anne Sexton There is joy in all: in the hair I brush each morning, in the Cannon towel, newly washed, that I rub my body with each morning, in the chapel of eggs I cook each morning, in the outcry from the kettle that heats my coffee each morning, in the spoon and the chair that cry …

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Simple Sunday Sermons - Scandalous Grace - You Are Accepted! (Eph. 2:8-9)

Facebook Live Video

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